Circle Puzzle Silver


First Impressions, Consistency, & Congruence.



By the time someone buys your product or service - or decides to apply for a job at your company - they will have encountered you more than a dozen times.

Each of those encounters adds up to their overall understanding and impression of who you are, what you do, and what you stand for.

Your brand has a personality and a voice that should reflect who you are as a team and how you want to be perceived.

Is your brand having a positive impact on customer experience? Or, are seemingly minor branding errors causing unintended negative consequences?



Strategic Piece Foundations Components
  • Understand existing identity
  • Define overarching style
  • Define brand voice and personality
  • Define color palette
  • Select typography (fonts)
  • Select imagery
  • Logo, website, and collateral review


Strategic Piece Foundations Deliverables
  • Documented brand guidelines
  • Initial document templates
  • Documented logo, website, & collateral review
  • Brand implementation plan

Signs You Need To Work on Your Brand

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  • Fonts, colors, and imagery are chosen at random or left to program defaults
  • You don't think your company has a voice or personality
  • You have an idea of your brand in your head, but it's not documented
  • The look and feel of your website, social media channels, and marketing materials is inconsistent or dull


Let's Talk

Ready to learn more? Fill out the form, and we'll be in touch with you shortly about your project.