Two Sided Puzzle Silver


provide clarity and motivation.


About Foundations

As business guru, Simon Sinek, puts it: “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

Investing time into clarifying your purpose helps decision making.

Aligning around a mission and vision engages and motivates your team.

Confusion to Clarity


Strategic Piece Foundations Components
  • General familiarization with the company
  • Telling your origin story
  • Defining purpose and mission
  • Crafting a vision statement
  • Defining corporate objectives
  • Identifying points of differentiation
  • Crafting value propositions


Strategic Piece Foundations Deliverables
  • Purpose, mission, vision statements
  • Corporate objectives
  • Three uniques (differentiators)
  • Statement of value propositions


Signs You Need To Work on FOUNDATIONS

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You or your team:
  • Lack clarity about why your company is in business
  • Need to think about or are inconsistent when explaining what you do, who it benefits, and why someone should care
  • Haven't identified whose need you serve and how
  • Don't have a vision of where your business is going over the next 5-10 years
  • Lack identified points of differentiation that make your company stand out in the market


Let's Talk

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