

Recent Posts by Matt:

by Matt, on 15 Jun 2021

Like all good businesses, Strategic Piece constantly experiments with different ways to explain what we do, for whom, and why. While product-based businesses have a relatively easy time showcasing their …

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Topics:Strategic PieceStrategyCustomer Understanding

by Matt, on 8 Jun 2021

As a business leader, you are constantly challenged to deliver predictable results – by investors, members of your team, and other stakeholders. Telling them you plan to “run a few …

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Topics:Marketing Strategy

by Matt, on 18 May 2021

The first early stage venture I helped lead manufactured tools for use in oil and gas wells. Part of the manufacturing process involved cutting pipe to specific lengths and then …

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by Matt, on 11 May 2021

How confidently can you predict the results of your marketing initiatives? What return on investment are you expecting? If you ask your marketing manager, consultant, or agency the same question, …

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Topics:Marketing Strategy

by Matt, on 6 Apr 2021

One of the core project modules that we work through with our clients focuses on customer understanding. At the heart of this work we follow an approach called Customer Journey …

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Topics:Customer Understanding