Strategic Piece Talks / Customer Understanding

by Strategic Piece, on 9 Nov 2021

More and more companies are doing most of their product research and evaluation online and, in some cases, even when it comes to the purchase. Buyers in the B2B world …

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Topics:TechnologyCustomer ExperienceCustomer Understanding

by Strategic Piece, on 5 Oct 2021

To personalize content and know how to be most helpful, you need an in-depth understanding of your target customer. This is where Customer Journey Mapping comes in. In this video, …

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Topics:Customer Understanding

by Matt, on 20 Jul 2021

How is mid-July wherever you are? We are working remotely from Montana, supposedly escaping the Houston summer. But, wouldn’t you know it, Houston is experiencing one of its coolest Julys …

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Topics:FoundationsTechnologyCustomer ExperienceBrandStrategic PieceCustomer UnderstandingDatabase Management

by Matt, on 15 Jun 2021

Like all good businesses, Strategic Piece constantly experiments with different ways to explain what we do, for whom, and why. While product-based businesses have a relatively easy time showcasing their …

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Topics:Strategic PieceStrategyCustomer Understanding

by Lina Panahi, on 4 May 2021

Supposing is good, but finding out is better. – Mark Twain Your business is thriving. You're making revenue. Your business from repeat customers is increasing, too. Before you get too …

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Topics:Customer Understanding