Strategic Piece Talks / Foundations

by Matt, on 20 Jul 2021

How is mid-July wherever you are? We are working remotely from Montana, supposedly escaping the Houston summer. But, wouldn’t you know it, Houston is experiencing one of its coolest Julys …

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Topics:FoundationsTechnologyCustomer ExperienceBrandStrategic PieceCustomer UnderstandingDatabase Management

by Matt, on 6 Jul 2021

What’s at the top of your to-do list at work? Are those top 2-3 things the most critical? Why so? I often catch myself pushing softball tasks to the top …

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by Matt, on 15 Sep 2020

If you’re regularly involved in the entrepreneurial and early-stage business community, you’ll have heard the phrase “proof of concept” (PoC) many times. PoC is an important investment gateway, with larger …

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by Matt, on 21 Jul 2020

When the business landscape suddenly shifts, as we have all experienced in 2020, many companies face existential threats. Leaders are forced to answer the hardest question: is my business still …

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by Matt, on 30 Jun 2020

If you read the business pages, you’ll frequently see stories about high-stakes lawsuits where corporations go to war in defense of their trademarks – the words and symbols that signify …

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