Strategic Piece

Recent Posts by Strategic Piece:

by Strategic Piece, on 9 Nov 2021

More and more companies are doing most of their product research and evaluation online and, in some cases, even when it comes to the purchase. Buyers in the B2B world …

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Topics:TechnologyCustomer ExperienceCustomer Understanding

by Strategic Piece, on 5 Oct 2021

To personalize content and know how to be most helpful, you need an in-depth understanding of your target customer. This is where Customer Journey Mapping comes in. In this video, …

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Topics:Customer Understanding

by Strategic Piece, on 7 Sep 2021

Developing a successful marketing plan requires perseverance, experimentation, and focus. Melanie and Matt share their observations on why well-intentioned marketing plans often fail. Watch the video or read the transcript …

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Topics:Marketing Strategy