Quiz: What's Killing Your Digital Growth?

by Matt, on 16 Jun 2020

Companies of all sizes are scrambling to rev-up their digital presence while COVID-19 measures make in-person business difficult. So, what’s hard about that?

The answer, unfortunately, is pretty much everything.Quiz graphic

Digital marketing isn’t just something you can “switch on” when it’s needed. Creating PDFs of your trade show brochures and attaching them to your website won’t get the job done.

Many companies are discovering that the customer relationships their teams have built over years have never been translated to the digital world.

As product identification, evaluation, and selection move online, a different group of people are often involved, so even your existing electronic contacts become less relevant.

Effective digital marketing requires careful planning, built on a solid understanding of your business, your brand, your customer, their needs and wants, and how, where, and when to communicate with them.

While many businesses take a purely tactical approach to marketing, we believe in a strategic approach (as our company name suggests) where critical elements are put in place before working on the ones that follow.

The good news for you? We’ve written a guide that helps you think through each element and take your digital growth to the next level.

In it, we walk through 27 steps that you can follow to make your company's digital marketing and growth initiatives much more impactful, including:

  • Capturing everything you know about your ideal customer to develop a marketing strategy and plan that is fully aligned with what they need and want
  • Tuning-up key aspects of your brand so that your company can present itself consistently across all platforms, which will help you build trust with your target market
  • Identifying key software that will help you automate the digital marketing process
  • Deciding how to measure your results, track your progress towards goals, and optimize growth initiatives

The even better news? This week we’re launching a quiz to assess which steps in the process you’re doing well and where you should focus next to drive the biggest improvement. If you’ve skipped any of the steps completely, there’s a strong possibility it will be hurting – if not quite killing – your digital growth.

Here’s a link to the quiz: https://quiz.strategicpiece.com/sf/2e48819c

Topics:Marketing Strategy
