Behind the Scenes: Questions with Melanie

by Matt, on 5 Jan 2021

For our first video of the year, we put Melanie, our co-founder, in the spotlight (as a weird way to celebrate her birthday) and ask her questions on all kinds of topics – from her thoughts on customer experience to cats vs. dogs to her current favorite books.

A few of the questions asked:
  • Favorite definition of "customer experience" and why it's important
  • Why marketing gets short-changed by a lot of businesses
  • Top 3 places you'd like to visit
  • Where do you see Strategic Piece in 3-4 years?
  • Who are a few of your heroes – people you admire or find helpful or motivating?

Before you go, please subscribe to the Strategic Piece YouTube channel to be notified of new videos! 



Are We Ready to Implement an Information-Driven Customer Experience
Do You Have a Mantra?
My History With HubSpot

Topics:Strategic Piece
