HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in November 2021

by Melanie, on 30 Nov 2021

The end of the month is upon us again, which means that it's time for us to go through the latest HubSpot updates. This isn't meant to be an exhaustive list. It covers the updates we think are likely to prove the most useful to our clients and companies like them.



We've been helping several clients build webpages this year. And, while we sometimes use sandboxes, we often want to publish pages to their final URL but leave them password protected while we test them.

It was a real pain in the ___ having to go back through and remove the password protection from each page once they were all approved to go live.

With this new functionality, users can select multiple pages and update their publish status en masse. 

Marketing Hub


When we dive into marketing strategies and plans, it feels like we're creating calendar after calendar after calendar.

My theory is that marketers do this because (a) we tend to be visual people, and (b) whatever we're doing, there tend to be lots of moving parts that need to work together. A calendar view is an easy way of seeing this.

I love the updates HubSpot has been rolling out to both campaigns and the marketing calendar this year, and now it's really starting to come together.

HubSpot Marketing Campaign Marketing Calendar

A/B Test Emails in Workflows

While HubSpot users have been able to A/B test standard emails (think: email blasts to their database), it's now possible to A/B test emails that are sent to contacts during workflows.

This will be super helpful for users who want to optimize their lead nurturing emails. 


New Property: LaTest Source

On a contact record or in reports, you can see what source a contact original came from. For example, did he or she first come to your website from LinkedIn? That information is visible both categorized as social media and as a drill-down property to the specific channel.

While HubSpot also captured and logged additional touchpoints such as pages visited, forms completed, and email links clicked, it didn't automatically display the most recent channel with which a contact had been engaged.

This newly visible information would help you understand that a particular contact first found you through organic search but came back most recently by clicking a link on Facebook.

This is key for revenue attribution modeling – evaluating marketing ROI using models like last-touch or time decay attribution.

Please reach out to us with any questions you have about HubSpot. The best way to get in touch is via our chat on this page or via email at 



HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in October 2021
HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in September 2021
What Exactly Does HubSpot Do? 

