HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in September 2021

by Melanie, on 28 Sep 2021

Wrapping up another month and quarter with a roundup of the HubSpot updates that have us the most excited – and which we think will be the most helpful to our clients and HubSpot users like them.

From SEO to reporting, there are a variety of new features that users across your company will enjoy.

If you're unsure about any of these updates or how to best use them, please don't hesitate to reach out via chat or email (

Marketing Hub


One of the most effective tactics brands can use on social media is re-sharing popular content.

With HubSpot's new social comparison tool, you can more easily discover which posts have performed best (regardless of channel).

This lets your social media team prioritize posts to re-share and use whatever's working best for future content development.

compare social posts HubSpot


SEO is one area of marketing that you should have an expert managing – it's not an area for "amateurs".

In fact, even when our clients need to ramp up their SEO efforts, we refer them to other specialists who we know can help them more than we can. Once it's past the basics, you better be really knowledgeable about what you're doing. 

That being said, HubSpot has added new functionality to help non-experts better manage their SEO – and we can see how this should also be helpful to the SEO gurus out there.

In the last month, HubSpot has added 3 new reporting categories to the SEO report along with relevant definitions.

The suggestions HubSpot provides might be as easy as updating your anchor text (for example, instead of linking "Click here", you should link "Click here to download our document on energy finance trends.")

Sales Hub


The Task Manager is one of my all-time favorite tools that HubSpot provides, and it works really well for sales teams. If you haven't checked out task queues yet, go do it! It's incredible.

Now, HubSpot has rolled out repeating tasks for those pesky weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual tasks that you shouldn't occupy your brain trying to remember.

We are all for setting things up once and then letting them run, so you can spend more time doing productive things.

ops hub

Sync multiple accounts with Data Sync

There are two main ways that I see companies ending up with multiple accounts on a given technology platform: (1) they don't realize they already have an account and the organization ends up with two, or (2) they decide to create two accounts to manage different business units or geographies.

When HubSpot rolled out Operations Hub last year, we were excited about the Data Sync functionality, especially for HubSpot migrations and ERP integrations. However, until recently, Ops Hub was limited to syncing only one account per platform – for example, to only one NetSuite account.

Now, you can sync to multiple accounts of the same type to better accommodate legacy systems and organizational structures.


Multi-Currency exchange Rate history

HubSpot has made historical exchange rates visible for multi-currency reporting.

Your finance and ops teams should appreciate the transparency this provides, removing the need for them to guess why expected results don't quite align with actuals.

Custom Report Filtering on Dashboards

All our clients use at least a handful of custom reports and have set up dashboards to view them more easily.

Until this update, if you wanted to drill down into the data to get a better idea of what was going on, you had to leave the dashboard, go into the custom reports builder, and mess with the data there.

Now, you can filter data without having to leave the dashboard.


HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in August 2021
HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in July 2021
What Exactly Does HubSpot Do? 

