HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in January 2021

by Melanie, on 26 Jan 2021

For our last blog post of January (already!), we’ve put together a quick roundup of the changes HubSpot has rolled out so far this month.

As usual, some of these updates are more technical in nature, while some improve the user experience.

The ones that we’re most excited about for our clients are:

  • Adding data to Google Sheets via workflows
  • Tagging colleagues in workflow comments
  • Updates to the SEO Audit Tool

Leave us a comment below about which one(s) you are ready to use!


Apex Domains

OK, let’s kick things off with one of the more technical updates HubSpot has made in January: making apex domain redirects and hosting available in the app. Hosting an apex domain is available for CMS Hub Enterprise customers. This means that their websites can live at rather than CMS Professional customers can set up a redirect. Please note that there are special considerations for customers who use GoDaddy as their domain manager.


Add & Remove Users via API

We view this as HubSpot continuing to invest in functionality for their enterprise customers and the more upmarket clientele they’re targeting. If you’re setting up a handful of users with teams and reporting limitations, you can continue to do so manually. However, companies with large departments, teams, and user counts, can now set up their accounts via an API accessible using Oauth. 

HubSpot Custom Owner

B2B buyers rarely have one person in charge of a purchasing decision. It’s made by a committee. You will interact with numerous people at their organization, and chances are they will interact with multiple people at your organization as well. There might be an SDR, an AE, an onboarding specialist, and an ongoing customer success manager involved with a specific account. To track these relationships, HubSpot allows you to create custom properties for different types of HubSpot Users/Owners. This month, they have bumped up the limit from 20 custom owner properties to 30.

HubSpot Custom Owner


Add Data to Google Sheets

Although HubSpot reports and dashboards can be very powerful, helping to create transparency where things used to be murky, there are limits to the reporting functionality (especially for customers who aren’t on the Enterprise tiers). HubSpot does not pretend to be a BI tool, but sometimes that’s what users expect. And, let’s face it, as great as both the built-in and custom-built reports might be, you sometimes want to do things like track changes over time. Things like that can be either complicated to set up or just not possible. We’re excited that it’s now possible to add data to Google Sheets within HubSpot workflows. This will give teams on HubSpot Professional level and above greater flexibility with data analysis. 

Tag Colleagues in Comments

Want someone to review a workflow that you’ve been building? You can now use comments to @ tag a colleague so that they receive a notification. No need to email or Slack them separately! We love it when software tools streamline internal conversations because it saves time sending links or writing long titles telling someone what to look at and where. This is a big help for some of the more complex workflows we’ve been building recently. 


TikTok Traffic

TikTok has not yet made significant headway in the more serious B2B realm of energy, legal, or industrial tech. However, it has in other industries. In case we suddenly see a swath of lawyers, geologists, and private equity investors appearing on TikTok, your HubSpot account is now able to tell you how much of your website traffic is coming from the social media channel that’s taking other markets by storm.


Color-Coded Campaigns

This is more of an interface upgrade than additional functionality, which underpins one of the reasons we love HubSpot – they focus on both user experience and the power of their software. If you’re using HubSpot’s Marketing Calendar to map out to-dos for marketing campaigns, you can now color-code tasks and deliverables by campaign. This will help users see, at a glance, what project work they have coming up for which campaigns.

HubSpot Campaign Color Code

SEO Audit Tool

We were happy to see some improvements in this area because adding separate SEO tools to a company’s tech stack can be pricey! HubSpot’s SEO Audit Tool will now check if any pages or resources have issues with an HTTPS connection. HTTPS impacts SEO rankings, so understanding how your website is performing in this area is important. You can also manually re-scan webpages that are hosted by HubSpot rather than waiting for their automatic rescanning schedule.


Have fun and try out these new HubSpot features! Even if not all of them are relevant to your business today, it’s always helpful to know what’s possible.

If you have questions about setting up any of these features or how to use them, please don’t hesitate to contact us!



HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in December 2020
HubSpot Pricing – Calculating Your Total Cost of Ownership
My History With HubSpot

