Increasing Importance of ESG for Growing Companies - with Amanda Hsieh

by Matt, on 13 Oct 2020

I recently sat down with Amanda Hsieh, COO of Global Affairs Associates, which helps companies make strategic, business-appropriate decisions regarding sustainability and ESG – topics that are of increasing importance to companies of every size.

We chatted about the evolving meaning of ESG, the various levels to which it can be taken – from "dipping your toe in the water" to "in the deep end", and how early and growth-stage businesses can impress investors with focused ESG strategies.

In this conversation, Amanda and I talk about:

  • Where does ESG start? At the top?
  • What should a new company getting started think about when it comes to ESG?
  • How to think about balancing between the E, the S, and the G
  • How ESG is influencing investor decision-making
  • Governance horror stories and success cases


Recent ESG survey by 500 Startups. 

Connect with Amanda and Global Affairs Associates on:

LinkedIn: Amanda | Global Affairs Associates

Lastly, please subscribe to the Strategic Piece YouTube channel to be notified of new videos! If you like or add a comment, YouTube will give this video more visibility, which will help others get their ESG answers, too.

Thank you to Timber Reel Productions for their awesome work editing this video.


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