HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in June 2021

by Melanie, on 29 Jun 2021

As I reviewed the updates that HubSpot has rolled out in June, there were some that I thought "great, that's useful," but nothing that jumped out as mind-blowingly amazing.

So, while not the sexiest batch of updates, there are still some things here that I think HubSpot admins and users will find helpful...


Pipeline Permissions & Partitioning

There are several reasons why your company might benefit from multiple sales pipelines.

For example, do you sell multiple products or services that require different sales processes? Do you follow a different process for new business versus renewals? Do you track deals from a particular partner channel separately from deals that your sales team is working directly?

In many cases, as companies grow, sales reps and teams will focus on one piece of this puzzle - which calls for multiple pipelines.

Now, HubSpot admins can partition users and give them permissions and visibility specific to a particular pipeline - so they only see the data that matters to their job.

Settings Search

There is a slew of settings that admins and users can access within HubSpot. However, as the software becomes more complex, it becomes harder and harder to find what you need.

Now, you can search for the software section you want to find, rather than having to guess-and-click sections on the toolbar, hoping that you'll find the right one.

Marketing Hub


Broken Internal Links

Sometimes links on a website break. While it is obvious when this happens on a high-visibility page, it's harder to spot on pages that live deeper within your site. And broken links hurt both the user experience and your SEO rankings. Having a tool that scans for broken links saves time and reduces human error (e.g. forgetting to check a link).

Bulk Hide SEO Recommendations

This is an update that I'm personally most excited about this month.

HubSpot has been overhauling their SEO tool but some of its recommendations still aren't relevant to every website. Previously, there wasn't a way to get rid of (or ignore) those suggestions. Now you can select them and hide them in one move.


CMS Import - Scan & Transfer

Ready to move your website over to HubSpot CMS?

HubSpot users can now crawl any website, see a list of all the webpages that exist there, and import the pages into HubSpot.

Note, this doesn't currently import the body content, but it's a great way to make sure that you are moving the structure of all your pages without forgetting something.

HubSpot Mobile App

Follow-Up Tasks Available

As sales reps return to travelling more, HubSpot users are prepping for a significant increase in mobile app usage.

The HubSpot mobile app now allows users to create follow-up tasks immediately after entering important events like notes, logged calls, meetings, or email.

Operations Hub

Sync Companies with Data Sync

HubSpot introduced Operations Hub earlier this year. When it launched in April, we published a three-part blog series explaining what's in the hub and how you might be able to use it.

(You can check them out here: Operations Hub - Data Sync, Operations Hub - Data Quality Automation, Operations Hub - Programmable Automation).

Until this point, the hub supported contact and lead syncing with third party applications, but not company records.

Now, you can sync company records as well between HubSpot and systems like Zendesk and Microsoft Dynamics 365.

More Integrations

HubSpot has added several integrations to Data Sync, simplifying data flows between HubSpot and other tools in your company's tech stack.

Analytics & Reporting

Dashboard Emails with Dynamic Filters

Requests for reports may come from within your company or perhaps from someone on your board of directors or a shareholder.

If you build a custom dashboard, you won't have to ask them to create a HubSpot account and log in to see your dashboard. Instead, you can send a link to the custom view via email.

What's new here is that you can now filter your data to ensure the dashboard reports exactly what the viewer has requested, rather than a whole data set, making it more helpful to your audience.

Web Traffic - Browser, Device, Country

There are many overlaps between HubSpot website analytics and Google Analytics. We encourage our clients to use both because each has slightly different strengths and functionality.

Within HubSpot, you can now provide custom content or create custom audiences based on traffic type, based on new functionality that pulls in data about browser, device, and country.

Plus, if you're using Service Hub, this might be helpful to your service team as they troubleshoot customer issues.


AirTable Integration

Many companies use Airtable and want to incorporate data from HubSpot. This is now possible without having to use a third-party integrator like Zapier or manually copying and pasting data.  Instead, you can set up a HubSpot workflow to create a new Airtable row.

Include Data from Tickets & Conversations

If you use Live Chat or other conversational tools within HubSpot, as well as their ticketing system, you can now set up workflows that trigger based on conversation or ticketing data - including using conversation data in tickets and vice versa.

This will help your customer success team provide an even more seamless customer experience.


HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in May 2021
HubSpot Updates Rolled Out in March 2021
HubSpot Pricing – Calculating Your Total Cost of Ownership


